With your generosity,

we can help those that need it most!

Donate Funds

As a 100% volunteer run organization with no salaries or paid staff, you can be sure your donations will make a BIG impact. For every donation you will instantly receive a tax receipt by email.

Donate Food

Drop-off non-perishable food donations at any of the local participating grocery stores near you. We empty them multiple times a week.

Corporate Giving

Through charitable grants and donations, our corporate supporters provide much needed funding. Sponsorship and marketing opportunities are also available.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Yes. If you donate online, you will received an instant tax receipt to your email. If you donate by cheque or cash, you will also receive a tax receipt by email, but they usually take few weeks to process. When donating by cheque or cash, please be sure to include your full name, mailing address, and email. If you haven’t received the tax receipt by email, please check your spam/promotions inbox, or email donations@chasdeikaduri.org.

We are the largest volunteer-operated Kosher food bank in the GTA, and we are actually making a difference in the lives of those we serve! All monetary donations go directly towards the purchase of food at wholesale prices and general operating expenses – no salaries here! We are very capital efficient and stretch every dollar to get maximum impact. We also really care about those we help and take their privacy and dignity seriously. 

We help Jewish families of all denominations who present a financial need.

You can donate unopened, not expired, kosher, non-perishable food at one of our donation bins located a local participating grocery stores. Click here to see all available locations.

For bulk and food industry donations, please contact us.

No, we only distribute food to our clients that is before the expiry or best before date.

No, we only distribute Kosher products to our clients. All non-Kosher food we receive is distributed to local non-Kosher food banks.

Money is preferred, as it gives us the ability to direct to to what’s needed most, it doesn’t go bad, logistically easier as it requires no sorting or storage, and as an organization we are able to get more value per dollar compared to an individual purchasing items in the grocery store. With monetary donations, you will also get a full tax receipt.

All monetary donations go directly towards the purchase of food at wholesale prices and general operating expenses – no salaries here! We are very capital efficient and stretch every dollar to get maximum impact.

That’s awesome! We appreciate your help. Please contact us.

If you haven’t received the tax receipt by email, please check your spam/promotions inbox, or email donations@chasdeikaduri.org. You can also login to your donor account to see all your donations and tax receipts.

No we are not funded by UJA and are not a UJA agency.